Gel Jambes Legeres - Soothing Leg Gel
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Do you have heavy feeling legs, water retention, puffy legs & feet? Headaches?
Use our refreshing, soothing and cooling gel.
Gel Jambes Légères is distinguished by its long-lasting action, which soothes tired legs. As soon as the gel is applied the "cold effect" melts away feelings of heaviness and tiredness. - Refreshes the skin with its immediate "ice cube" effect. - Reduces tiredness, as well as redifines the legs and ankles. At any time of the day, especially when legs feel heavy, massage gel into the skin using circular motions, starting at the feet and moving up to the thighs. - Menthol, instantly cools and soothes legs. - Arnica stimulates and combats the feeling of heavy legs. 150ml